Dermal filler treatment
For many people, the younger they look, the better they feel about themselves. But age is an unstoppable process and, as the body grows older so does the skin and, consequently, its appearance and characteristics change.
Age, hormones sun exposure and smoking all have a part to play, causing fine lines and wrinkles to develop. The skin feels more fragile and less elastic. Plus, the hyaluronic acid in our skin decreases and this is essential for water retention. The skin also loses fat, so it looks less plump and smooth.
Dermal fillers can enhance skin by smoothing lines and plumping up areas of lost elasticity. They can be used to achieve a variety of rejuvenating results including:
- Contouring the cheeks and chin
- Filling deep lines, such as those that run from the nose to the mouth
- Correcting acne or chicken pox scars
- Restoring a youthful fullness and definition to lips