Dental implants in 1 day is a process offered at Lyme Bay Dental & Implant Clinic in Lyme Regis where patients can have implants placed and fully functioning teeth attached in the space of 1 day.

Traditional implant procedures require between 3 and 6 months between placing an implant and restoring with the final replacement teeth. This ensures that following placement, the area completely heals and the implant bonds with the jaw, before it bears any load from the permanent replacement teeth. During this time, temporary restorations are often provided to ensure you are not left with any gaps.

With the latest technological advances at Lyme Bay Dental & Implant Clinic, it is now possible to place an implant and restore with the final replacement crown, bridge or dentures immediately, ensuring you can walk out of the clinic with your new smile in 1 day.

Same day smile can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or to anchor a complete set with denture stabilisation.

The treatment is simple, fast and there is no need to wear a temporary denture. Contact your local Lyme Regis on 01297 442907 today to find out more.

      Why would you want same day teeth?

      By having the same day tooth treatment you will:

      • Be more confident in your smile
      • Never be without teeth
      • Have reduced anxiety levels on your appearance
      • Feel happier within yourself
      • Be more confident in business and social situations

        The same day teeth procedure


        • The dentist will take an x-ray and impression of your jaw, to produce an exact copy as a study model
        • A removable denture will then be constructed for the intended teeth and will be transformed into a template for the CT scanning
        • If required, a CT scan may be taken to help visualise and diagnose the jaws 3 dimensionally, to ensure there is enough bone to place the dental implants – this will also establish where your nerves and sinuses are

        Implant placement

        • On the day of treatment, we will place all your implants, numbing your mouth completely so you won't feel any pain
        • Once the implants are fitted, we will check them, fit your replacement teeth, and make any necessary adjustments

        Permanent restoration

        • You will need to see us for occasional check-ups over the next 6 months or so
        • When your gums have completely healed and your implants have bonded with the bone, we will take new impressions of your mouth and create a final, stronger, permanent set of teeth
        • The final solution can include both removable and fixed prostheses
        • The fixed solution will include an implant bridge with porcelain or acrylic crowns cemented to the framework of the bridge
        • The removable solutions include over-dentures on an implant bar that is attached by a variety of attachment systems


          Multiple dental implants in Lyme Regis

          If you’re missing more than one tooth, there are a number of options available to you at Lyme Bay Dental & Implant Clinic.


            Implant secured dentures

            Dentures can be uncomfortable, irritating and embarrassing. With advances in Implant Dentistry, Lyme Bay Dental & Implant Clinic now have many innovative techniques for either denture stabilisation or completely replacing the need to wear a denture.

              Related FAQs


              How long do dental implants last?

              Dental implants have been used for over 30 years to replace missing teeth. As with natural teeth, they can be damaged by trauma and affected by gum disease and poor oral hygiene. However, if they are looked after like normal teeth, they can last a lifetime.


              What is Immediate Loading?

              Immediate Loading is when a dental implant and crown are fitted at the same time. This is as opposed to a Delayed Loading implant, which is a two-stage process, separated by a period of up to six months.

              The main advantage of Immediate Loading is convenience. The procedure can be done in the same day, which is why it’s sometimes known as ‘the same day smile’.

              Other advantages are that it’s a quicker procedure, there’s no need to wait for the bone and implant to fuse, and you don’t need to wear a temporary bridge or dentures.

              However, the main disadvantage with Immediate Loading is that there’s an increased risk of loss of the implant, due to a failure of the bone to fuse sufficiently to the implant.

              Your Portman dentist will advise you on which technique will be the most beneficial for you.

              Load more questions


              Dental implants FAQs

              If you are still unsure or would like to ask further questions about dental implants treatment, we provide answers to several of our frequently asked questions about dental implants in Lyme Regis.

                Next steps

                Ready to see one of our specialists?

                If you're ready to take up treatment, get in touch.

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